Workplace Giving


Empower your employees and make a difference with them.

Fund important patient care programs and  initiatives

Advance local cancer research and clinical trials 

Contribute to improved patient outcomes

Many of your employees or colleagues have been affected by cancer.

This year nearly 7,000 Manitobans will hear the words “you have cancer.” Two in five of us within our lifetimes.  
Each and every day you may walk past a colleague impacted by a cancer diagnosis.

Hand with heart


Empower employees to select their own charity of choice by including CancerCare Manitoba Foundation amongst the options in your payroll giving program.


By matching your employees fundraising efforts, it shows you support and value them. 


Host a fundraising event or participate in a signature event. 

Sponsor an

Sponsor a signature event and represent your workplace. 

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Gifts honouring a colleague is a meaningful way to pay tribute. 

Get in touch with us today to discuss how to support your colleagues and patients at CancerCare Manitoba.


We will provide the support you need. 

Whether it’s facts on how your support can make a tremendous difference to cancer patients and their families, or suggested tips to educate employees about charitable giving – we are in your corner. 

Fundraise with your businesss

Show your community that your company wants to make a difference in the lives of others. Start your own cause marketing program today.


Set up your own online donation page and share away!
person at computer photo for CE

Coffeehouse to End Cancer

St. Charles Country Club: 38th Invitational Pro-Am

Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo

Payroll Giving

Allow employees to select their own charity of choice by including CancerCare Manitoba Foundation amongst the options in your payroll giving program.

  • Donations are deducted from the employee’s paycheque and can be set up as a one-time donation or recurring donation.  Employees will see the charitable benefits amount on their T4 slip.
  • If your workplace supports the United Way of Winnipeg by offering payroll deduction giving to its employees, you can choose this method to give to CancerCare Manitoba Foundation. Simply complete the donor-directed giving portion of your United Way pledge form and include the Foundation’s name along with our registered charitable number: 88688 6746 RR0001.

Matching Gifts

Employers matching gifts highlights to their employees their personal choices are valued and supported.
Ask your Human Resources department today if they match employee donations.

Get Involved

Whether it’s a bake sale, a head shave or a walk-a-thon, hosting an event can be an exciting and highly motivating way to fundraise and get people involved. For more information click the button below to visit our Community Events page.

Joining one of CancerCare Manitoba Foundation’s signature events such as Challenge for Life or Ride Inside can help build morale while making a lasting difference for patients at CancerCare Manitoba, your organization and its employees.

Sponsor an Event

Sponsorship opportunities provide an excellent opportunity for networking. An investment in sponsorship is a smart business decision
and signals your organization is actively engaged in our community.

Pay Tribute

Whether celebrating a colleague’s birthday or retirement, to supporting a co-worker through the loss of a loved one, gifts in honour or in memory are a truly meaningful way to pay tribute.

For more information about the benefits and the impact your organization can have contact
Sharon Loewen at 204-784-2797 or

Are you a CancerCare Manitoba employee?
Click here to sign up for payroll giving.