Patient Stories

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Your donations positively impact people in your community every day. They could be your neighbours, friends and even your family members. We encourage you to read the stories of patients from right here in our province who have benefitted from the generosity of donors.

Bjorn’s Story

When he was just 27-years-old, Bjorn received the difficult news that he had testicular cancer. As a young, healthy, physically active person, the diagnosis was understandably surprising. Fortunately, Bjorn had been proactive with his health and went to see his doctor as soon as he suspected something was wrong.

Sylvia’s Story

“I have stage four cancer but I’m still here,” says 80-year-old Sylvia who has been living with non-Hodgkin lymphoma since the year 2000. Thanks to donors’ investment in local cancer research, today Sylvia is thriving.

Young woman in her thirties wearing a yellow jumper with a light blue collared shirt posing for a photo in a park setting by orange flowers, brown stained wooden arbour.

Brenda’s Story

From initial diagnosis through treatment, a person’s body and mind are pushed, stressed and tested beyond comprehension. After receiving four cancer diagnoses in five years, Brenda was emotionally and physically drained. The support programs donors help fund have been an invaluable part of her treatment.

Drea’s Story

Although CancerCare Manitoba surgeons were successful in removing Drea’s entire tumour, this wasn’t the end of her journey. Drea had a long, grueling treatment regime including high-dosage chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant. The stress on her young body from these treatments was intense and eventually the decision was made to stop the maintenance chemotherapy.

Shirley’s Story

In the spring of 2022 Shirley and her husband Wayne spent nearly two months in Toronto where she went through CAR T-cell therapy – a treatment that saved her life. Thanks to donors’ unwavering support of local research, patients like Shirley will no longer need to travel out of province to receive this critical care in the future.