Maias Story

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Three years ago we introduced you to precious Maia.

Just four at the time, Maia stole our hearts with her warm smile and tender personality. Behind her smile though was a very sick little girl living with cancer. She needed help to get well and you came through for her in spades.

Maia was unwell for a couple of months in early 2017, suffering from fevers, body aches and extreme exhaustion. Upon seeking medical attention for their young daughter, her parents Rob and Alicia received the devastating news she had high-risk leukemia. Reflecting on how their child’s diagnosis shook their world.

“Within twenty-four hours we were thrust into the terrifying reality of childhood cancer. All of the dreams we had for Maia flashed before our eyes.”

The intense treatment for Maia’s cancer would last nearly two-and-a-half years and involve ten sessions of cranial radiation and many chemotherapy treatments often administered through painful injections in her legs. She also received steroids which turned her into an angry and unrecognizable person in front of her parent’s eyes. Maia’s treatment was traumatic and during it she became afraid of everything. This innocent little girl would just lie in her bed and stare up at the ceiling.

“Our hearts broke seeing our beautiful, happy four-year-old emotionally and physically melt away. Maia had a look of pain in her eyes no child should ever have,” said Rob and Alicia.

Fortunately for Maia and her family, you were by her side along with CancerCare Manitoba’s dedicated pediatric oncology team. Your generous support of the Foundation helps fund research and clinical trials. Research and trials which helped save young Maia’s life.

“Through her cancer journey, we came to appreciate that progress beating this terrible disease would not be possible without donors,” commented Rob and Alicia.

In August 2019, Maia finished her grueling treatment and rang the cancer “victory bell.” Since then, she has truly come alive. Maia is in a grade one Spanish program, takes piano lessons and is a member of Sparks, the youngest program in Girl Guides. She has so much more energy now. She is playful and her relationship with her younger sister has blossomed. She’s growing, gaining weight and her signature curly hair has returned in abundance.

Almost three years after diagnosis, Maia is exactly what her parents hoped she’d be – a normal kid. They are keenly aware your support helped make this possible.

“We are just so thankful Maia made it through her leukemia diagnosis,” said her parents. “Your generosity helped ensure the treatment she needed to thrive was available here in Manitoba.”

When they reflect on their family’s experience, it is apparent they are eternally grateful for the medical care Maia received from CancerCare Manitoba. They are also grateful for the role you played in her wonderful outcome.

“We now realize just how much every donation matters,” remark Rob and Alicia. “Your support of the Foundation gave us hope when we needed it the most and helped save Maia’s life. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.”