Give your passion a purpose

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Community members across Manitoba, like Dallas Johnston from Brandon, are sharing their passion to positively impact cancer patients and their families.

Following his retirement, Dallas – a Royal Manitoba Winter Fair committee member and steer enthusiast – turned his hobby into an incredible fundraising endeavor. His motivation couldn’t have been more personal – his grandson, Aysen, was diagnosed with cancer at just 10 months-old and received life-saving care from CancerCare Manitoba.

The Johnstons recognized if they led with their passion and paved the way, the Brandon community would join them in helping other Manitobans who would experience their same journey. So Dallas and his family decided to auction their steer as their way of paying it forward.

“We wanted to give back. It was something we were already doing and thought it could create a lot of good,” reflects Dallas. It was as simple as acting on a community staple – a livestock auction – and adding a special twist to it.

Together the cattle community raised an impressive $32,000 through the fair auction. The funds are supporting PROFYLE – a pan-Canadian initiative CancerCare Manitoba is part of which is available to young cancer patients diagnosed with the rarest cancers.

The passion from thousands of community members who come together all year long to host community events like barrel races, golf tournaments, fishing derbies and potato truck pulls are creating incredible change. Cancer patients and their families all across our province are profoundly grateful for their enthusiasm and tremendous efforts.

What is your “thing?” Take a look around you. What does your community depend on or celebrate? Could you act on it and give your passion a purpose to help others when they need it the most? Your fellow Manitobans can’t wait to see where your passion takes you!

To learn more about community events visit or phone 204-784-2777.