Fundraising Your Way October 2023

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Events in support of the Foundation have an incredible impact. Each dollar raised stays right here in Manitoba helping those you know and love.

Progress isn’t possible without event organizers and donors like you! We hope you enjoy hearing more about others hosting and supporting events.

The Community Events Team
CancerCare Manitoba Foundation


Chris has been fundraising to support his community for the last ten years in memory of his mom, Marietta. Over the years, he has raised incredible funds and has brought joy to so many Manitobans who get to see his amazing creations!  

You can stay up to date with where the pumpkins will be by following The Pumpkin Promise Facebook page.

The Pumpkin Promise started officially 10 years ago. It stemmed from my mother’s love of Halloween, and my mission to find her the biggest pumpkins I could.

After her passing in 2010 from pancreatic cancer, I figured something good needed to come from a bad situation, and so I managed to find giant pumpkins (1000lb+) thanks to a great community of farmers and began collecting donations from people who came to see them in at my home. 

I also decaled the truck and set up a giant jack-o-lantern in the back in order to visit community events, businesses and people at home or in hospital to share the Halloween joy.

This event has evolved over the years, so being

 organized and maintaining contacts both personally and in the community is important. Be humble and grateful to those that help out, and don’t forget the reason we’re doing this, to help the cancer community.

My favourite thing about this event are the people. I have met so many people, whether they are the pumpkin growers, business supporters, people stopping me at intersections for a photo, or those who visit me at my home to stand in my driveway, marveling at the size of these pumpkins and sharing their cancer stories. I have had the opportunity to listen and share with patients, survivors and their supporters.”

– Chris Okell, Oganizer of The Pumkpin Promise


This summer over 260 lemonade stands set up on street corners, front lawns and parks throughout the province in support of Manitoba families touched by cancer. Together they raised over $102,000. How amazing is that!



Since 2009, grade 9 students at Kelvin High School have walked together to make a difference.  They are some of the incredible young people across the province who fundraise to change lives!


Claudia has celebrated two milestone birthdays in support of Manitobans touched by cancer! We are so grateful for the amazing people who raise funds through weddings, anniversaries, birthdays and other celebrations.


Every year on Valentine’s Day, Rika sells Macarons in memory of her dad. In the last five years, she and her family have raised over $10,000!


So many amazing events are happening right now or coming up soon! From support for Breast Cancer awareness month to celebrating Halloween in support of Manitobans touched by cancer.


We’d love to talk to you! If you have questions or comments
please contact us at or 204-784-2777.